Do you own an antique rug that's 'almost' perfect if not for that pesky hole or similar form of damage? Do you suffer from anxiety every time you see the carpet's damaged appearance, thinking how beautiful it would be if it was whole? We can help. Other than providing top-notch cleaning services in the multiple areas we cover, we also offer something less common and possibly even more difficult: rug repairs. And as tricky as rug repairs are, none of them are more difficult to pull off than those done on antique rugs.
This is due to several factors. For starters, time tends to weaken fabric and make it more fragile, which can manifest in various ways – sometimes it will cause the fabric to roughen and tear while at other times a loss of color will be the most prominent issue. There's also the fact that it's nearly impossible to perform a perfect repair on an antique rug that was made using an obscure or lost weaving technique (as many of them were).
Fortunately, our experts aren't just going to slap a patch on a hole and hope for the best. Each of our repair technicians has an avid interest in the weaving techniques of old and has spent many hours studying them inside and out. This has lead to our repairmen becoming mini-weavers of sorts, able to understand and reconstruct virtually every weaving technique including those that haven't been used in centuries.
Thanks to this, we're very optimistic with our forecasts even for something as difficult as antique rug repairs. Of course, we'll need to carefully assess the extent of the damage: the greater it is, the lesser you can expect our results to be. On the other hand, we've seen enough amazement on the faces of our customers to realize that our repairing technique might be better than we give it credit – more than once, we've patched a big hole on an antique rug so seamlessly that only an expert with a magnifying glass could tell the difference.
Sun damage is one of the biggest issues that rug owners face. You obviously want your beautiful rug to retain its looks for a long time, so fading colors are probably nothing short of a nightmare. Many home owners in Florida go through this problem: direct exposure to sunlight for extended periods can dim the bright colors of your rug, causing it to starts showing signs of "aging". Another major cause of discoloration is the use of strong chemicals like bleach for washing purposes. Furthermore, cleaning too often (either with water or a vacuum cleaner) can also contribute to the loss of color on your rug.
Some colors fade more easily than others. For example, sunlight causes the most damage to shades of red while carpet cleaners, especially strong ones that are alkaline-based, can create having blue shades on the rug.
A colorless and faded rug can lower the mood of an entire room, just as a bright rug can liven it up. We've been taking care of discolored rugs for a long time, so we know the ins and outs of all aspects rug care and can restore your magnificent accessory to its former beauty through expert dying and other color correction methods.
Never try to dye your rug on your own as this can cause irreparable damage to it. At Boca Raton Oriental Rug Cleaning Pros, we use only rug-friendly solutions and dyes that restore the original colors without causing any harm to the rug. Also, we will take note of how the discoloration occurred in order to treat it in the most natural way possible.
And in line with a lack of accurate forecast, we can't know how long our technicians will need to repair your carpet: while everyone prefers less time spent repairing, Boca Raton Oriental Rug Cleaning Pros are fully prepared to put in hours on our way to perfecting your carpet's appearance.
Here's a forecast we can make, though: we'll hide any damage or imperfection your carpet has and give it as close to a brand-new appearance as possible. You might feel compelled to call us magicians after we're done, but in reality, there's nothing but experience and hard work behind our results.
Just as we can't predict our results, we can't know what techniques will need to be used on your antique rug without seeing it first. In some cases, 'simple' reweaving, reknotting and re-stretching is sufficient, while in others, we'll have to apply a patch of cloth over a hole. Should we find the latter method necessary, rest assured that we will use only fabric that blends with the rest of the carpet perfectly – if you can tell that the carpet was patched, we probably won't be satisfied.
Boca Raton Oriental Rug Cleaning Pros
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Sunrise Oriental Rug Cleaning Pros
Sunrise, FL 33326
Weston Oriental Rug Cleaning Pros
Weston, FL 33327