Owners of antique rugs will rarely subject them to foot traffic or similar woes – the reasoning is always that they're too precious to be stepped on. Nothing wrong with that, but in reality, antique rug owners have other motives for keeping the rugs isolated: few of them know how to clean an antique rug and prefer to get preventive instead.
Commendable as this is, you won't be able to fully protect your antique rug unless you seal it in an airtight plastic wrap. The nature of fabric means that it will have to get dirty eventually, even with the owner's best efforts. You might be protecting the carpet from any and all dirt, but what about the clouds of dust that frequently engulf the room it's in? And what about mold: you might be cleaning the place day and night, but is it ventilated enough to know no mold will form on the inside of the carpet?
Luckily, you don't have to get a headache thinking about the real state of your antique rug – we'll take care of the diagnosis as part of our cleaning procedure. In fact, we make a point of thoroughly inspecting each carpet we clean before getting to work, as we'd hate the idea of causing any additional damage while trying to do good.
Only when we're well-aware of what we have on our hands will we be comfortable enough to start working – before grabbing any cleaning tools, we insist on a clear and thought-out procedure that takes every individual aspect of your antique rug into account.
What's not to like about pets? There's nothing quite like coming home from a difficult day and seeing your furry companion wave its tail in joy or welcome you back in other ways. Unfortunately, animal behavior is difficult to explain even for experts, which is why one of those 'other ways' might be a stain on your carpets, upholstery or clothing.
You might have dealt with the stain, but what about the odor? Pet odor is certainly notorious in its own right – it's a nightmare to deal with and can haunt home owners for what can be months. In fact, quite a few people feel that pet odor never truly goes away in cases of denser or more difficult fabric – press your nose and the smell will be there even long after reason would dictate otherwise.
It's also important to note that we pay special attention to the dyes of an antique rug: oftentimes, an antique rug's colors are the product of natural dyes that aren't as resilient as industrial ones, meaning that greater care needs to be exercised in order to preserve its full appearance. The same goes for sun-drying: while it's great for some carpets, others can lose much of their color, and antique rugs generally fall into the latter category.
Lots of antique rug owners have a fear of professional cleaners that isn't entirely unreasonable: many cleaners will advertise their antique rug cleaning services without really knowing how to go about the task. With
Boca Raton Oriental Rug Cleaning Pros, you can rest assured that you're in business with experts who know exactly what they're doing.
We can't stress the word 'individual' enough here: no two carpets are the same, and this stands infinitely more true for antique rugs. Even the term 'antique' can sometimes get confusing, encompassing everything from a century-old rug in good shape to a frail piece from a millennia ago. Consequently, we have no way of giving you predictions before examining the carpet, as we can't know its individual conditions. What we can promise, however, is that your antique rug will receive the very best professional treatment available.
With antique rugs, we like to forgo machines altogether and instead perform every stage of washing by hand, even if our job would be much easier if we let our tools do the work. Knowing how old fabrics will respond to certain treatments can be difficult, which is why we turn exclusively to our hands as this method gives us the most control over the procedure – if the rug isn't handling something we're doing well, we can immediately adapt and move forward with a better technique.
Boca Raton Oriental Rug Cleaning Pros
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Sunrise Oriental Rug Cleaning Pros
Sunrise, FL 33326
Weston Oriental Rug Cleaning Pros
Weston, FL 33327